How to make a vase with paper mache

How to make a vase with paper mache

How to make a vase with paper mache
If you have the original vase and also the material you need to do is easily accessible, then teach you have to do here is probably what you're looking for. Once finished you can simpre decorate yourself. If you want to know how to make the vase look at the following article we present below in unComo, how to make a paper mache vase


-A container 

-Paper Mache



-First of all have to cut the bottle removing the central part of the container.

-Then it hits the top and bottom thus reducing the size of the container.

-Then he proceeds to stick the paper mache on small container 

- You have to prepare English glue and chalk, to cover the entire surface of the bottle.

-As the motif is placed folded colored paper , forming part of the mouth and you get ready with paper mache vase


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