Paper bowl

Paper bowl

The kids recently made these bowls by wrapping papier mache around the fat end of a balloon, allowing it to dry and then gluing strips of fabric over the form.

Paper bowl

It was one of their favorite messy activities and despite the fact that it required a lot of help from me, they really enjoyed the process.

Paper bowl
I emphasise the word process here because as soon as the bowls were covered in fabric and set to dry the kids completely lost interest in them. I am not sure what I expected them to *do* with them but I didn't realize that for them it was entirely about the process of making the bowls, the end product may as well not have existed at all. It got me thinking about whether it is the product or the process for me. And I honestly don't know! There are times when I can not wait to be done with a project, I just wanted it finished already. And other times, where the act of making something borders on the sacred. So I thought it would be fun to ask you! Vote below on whether it is the product that counts most for you or the process. I am interested to see if there is a strong preference either way. Are we crafters interested in the end result of our labors or the act of making? You can see how people have voted by clicking on the vote button.


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