Plastic bottle flowers

Plastic bottle flowers

Plastic bottles abound, so we find a creation is perfect to serve us for recycling. Laura Vazquez comes to our aid and tells us step by step to create a plastic bottle flowers . If you were looking for recycled craft do not miss this opportunity to implement a wonderful idea.


- Soda bottles any size 
- scissors 
- acrylic paints 
- brushes 
- silicone 
- wooden sticks 
- diamond paint 
- lighter Instructions:

* To begin, we must thoroughly wash the bottles, so it is not sticky soda. 
* Once dry cut to size and is given the shape of the petals. 
* Once you pass cut the lighter for each Petal to have a better finish. 
* After that is painted color flower you want and let it dry. 
* Once dry the paint begins to stick with silicone and the final shape of the flower. 
* To finish drilling the peak of the bottle to get the stick, which will be the stem of the flower. 
* Cut another bottle to make the leaves of the flowers.


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