Pet bottle flower

It's spring! And while everything is flooded with flowers I suggest making your reusing the plastic bottles, chopsticks and buttons.

Pet bottle flower

These recycled plastic flowers are ideal for decorating a nursery. The can put in the basket of stuffed animals or any glass jar with a pretty ribbon around the edge. Tutorial Recycled Plastic Flowers:

Pet bottle flower

1 Cut the plastic bottle by the base leaving 10 cm in order to work comfortably. Dibujad 2nd flower with permanent marker. 3rd Cut along the line. Cleanse alcohol brands with a little edge lijad not to cut. 4 Graffiti flowers on the inside with pink acrylic. Graffiti 5th chopsticks with green acrylic. 6th Tack buttons and sticks to flowers. If you have no green buttons you can use any other color. Just a little sand them with fine sandpaper and then paint them the same color as the sticks.

Pet bottle flower
Enjoy them! And think that if we recycle more difrutaremos springs.


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