Box with Duck

Box with Duck

Material: 1 wooden box with lid acrylic paint colors, purple, pink, white and yellow Soft paste 300 g oil paintings, colors: white, pink, red, orange and green silicone glue acocadores stilettos small sponge Preparation: 1. It stains the box with two coats of pink paint, let dry between them. With red paint produces apples, dried and painted the stem, leaf, and the brightness of each apple with brown, green and white, respectively. 2. A few drops of oil applied to the pulp and white kneaded until blended. Take one portion tíñela with a few drops of yellow oil, make a large pear for the body and glue to the center of the box lid. 3. Take another portion and forms two medium pears for legs, lengthens the ends, flattened at the base and folded into the leg. Using a stylus to make small cuts form the divisions of the fingers. 4. Repeat the above steps to make the front legs, with silicone glue to the body of the duck. 5. For the head, forming a medium pear with yellow paste and flatten a little in front. Apply a few drops of red oil on the sponge, and removes excess Liven patted the cheeks painted with the jib eyes and eyebrows. 6. Take another piece of white dough, apply a few drops of orange oil and knead until a uniform color. 7. It forms a very tiny pear, and flattens flattens at base and peak shapes to secure it to the center of the face. 8. For the worm, stained with oil remaining dough green and form spheres of different sizes, stick to each other to make the body. 9. Cut two lengths of 3 cm on the wire, give way to the antennas and clávalas head. With the jib painted eyes and mouth. 10. Paste the worm in the front of the box.


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